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How to replace the oil and filter on your Leybold SOGEVAC 220 B vacuum pump

JULY, 2024

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Leybold oil-sealed rotary pumps are designed for easy maintenance. In this blog we will walk you through how to perform oil and filter replacement maintenance on your Leybold SOGEVAC 220 B vacuum pump. 

For more information on maintenance and safety guidelines for our SV 220 B pump, please see the instructional manual 300964804. 

What to know before beginning vacuum pump service

Before beginning service on your vacuum pump remember to switch off the power supply to the pump system. Once turned off, leave the pump to cool to a safe temperature. This usually takes around 1 hour.

Tools required for this service:
1.  Strap wrench
2. 12mm allen key
3.  17mm spanner
4.  Syringe
The name and number of the service kit needed for this service can be found on the label of the vacuum pump.

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Check out our video tutorial for this service!

PART ONE: Oil & Filter Change Disassembly

  1.  First remove both the oil filter plug and oil drain plug.
  2. Now drain the oil and remove the oil filter.
  3. The bolts can be unscrewed to remove the exhaust flange.
  4. Once this is completed, the exhaust flange can be removed.
  5. Next, remove the filter by gently moving up upwards and downwards.
  6. Lastly, remove the last of the oil from the pump using a syringe. 

PART TWO: Oil & Filter Change Assembly

  1.  Begin by applying vacuum grease to the filter.
  2.  Re-insert the filter.
  3. Apply vacuum grease to the O-ring.
  4. Assemble the exhaust flange by tightening the bolts to secure.
  5. Appy oil to the oil filter and insert it back into place.
  6. Apply vacuum grease to the O-ring and reassemble the oil drain plug.
  7. Refill the pump with between 7-7.5L of vacuum oil.
  8. Lastly, put the oil filler plug back into place. 

The oil and filter exchange for the Leybold SOGEVAC 220 B is now complete. Be sure to dispose of broken tools and old oil in accordance with local regulations. 

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