
Can you use a vacuum pump to play golf? November 26, 2019


Can you use a vacuum pump to play golf? We performed a fun vacuum experiment to find out the answer. It might not be PGA Tour legal, but it was a great way to test out some vacuum principles in real time!

What did we use for the experiment?

Leybold built a vacuum-inspired bazooka powered by an ECODRY Plus. We were dying to see just how accurate it could be? Watch the video  below to see how it performed, and experience vacuum principles in action. 

Specific applications

The specifics of vacuum pump needs vary depending on what kind of application they are being used in.

  • Packaging requires low pressure with a faster cycle.
  • Processing, such as tumbling or mixing, has a longer cycle time with higher pressure than packaging, but it's more of a medium pressure requirement than a high one. 
  • In freeze-drying, the cycle times vary, but the pressure requirements are lower than either of the other two applications mentioned here.

If you look at each application individually, the differences in pump requirements become pretty significant.

The results

Find out who wins the contest and gets closest to the flag in the video below, Humans vs Machine. We had twelve golfers compete against our newly-build "Vazooka", and we guarantee you'll be surprised at the results.

We love experiments and would love to hear your ideas on them. 

Check out the R&D section of our blog for more on our activities, and for tips on keeping your own lab in peak condition.

And while using vacuum pumps to play golf may seem a little silly, they inform very real innovations. For example, check out this blog post for 3 Ways Vacuum Technology Fights Food Waste and Improves Food Packaging.  The global food production and processing industry is just one benefactor of our curious side.

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