IEA 2023 Finalist

Finalist in the Instrumentation Excellence Awards 2023 We are delighted to have been announced finalists in two Product Categories

Thank you for voting for #Leybold in the Instrumentation Excellence Awards 2023

We are delighted to have been announced finalists in two Product Categories of the Instrumentation Excellence Awards 2023, and looking forward to the award ceremony on 19th October in London.  The Awards celebrate the very best professionals, products, projects and companies from across the test, measurement, sensing and control sectors.  More info

Phoenix Leak Detector finalist in the Test and Measurement Product of the Year category.

Sensitive test of a helium checker

There are many methods of leak detection, such as a bubble test or pressure drop test, but none can compete with the sensitivity and the ability to pinpoint a leak that a Helium leak checker can offer. Additionally, a helium instrument allows for both quantitative and qualitative measurements.

A helium or, more precisely, a Helium 4 leak detector is essentially a tuned mass spectrometer which detects this gas and has the further option of identifying Helium 3 (used in cryogenics) and hydrogen. The unit has appropriate pumps supplied making it portable, with only mains electricity required. The unit is extremely sensitive to helium.

Investigating leaks in these circumstances can involve both a qualitative and a quantitative approach and just as in vacuum applications a helium leak detector is essential. Depending on the specification, leaks rates below 10-6 mbar l/s are frequently required. Helium leak checkers with an ultimate sensitivity of 10-12 mbar l/s offer the most accurate solution.

Hygienic Enclosure finalist in the Cases and Enclosures Product of the Year.  

The benefits of enclosing vacuum pumps

The primary benefit of vacuum pump exposure is flexibility. When the pump is protected from cleaning solutions and other contaminants in the plant environment, manufacturers don’t have to worry about where those pumps should be placed.  Right now, the ability to maintain rigorous cleaning standards is incredibly important for food manufacturers. Hygiene is top of mind for everyone, from regulators to consumers. To stay viable, plants need to abide by best practices without risking downtime. Enclosures provide that peace of mind. 

Once manufacturers no longer need to worry about pump exposure, they can think more innovatively about equipment placement. Some plants may even be able to move their pumps closer to the production lines, eliminating the need for expensive piping and improving the overall speed of production.

IEA 2023 Finalist
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