Health Check PRO monitoring service

HealthCheck PROᵀᴹ condition monitoring service

Preventing pump breakdowns and contributing to lower operational costs


Leybold’s HealthCheck PROᵀᴹ service offers a possibility for detecting failures at an early stage. This helps prevent a pump from breakdown resulting in production loss and contributes to lower operating costs.

HCP graph

Have you experienced the inconvenience of unplanned and expensive pump failures?

Do you want to better understand the condition of your vacuum pumps and find potential issues before they occur?

How about a service report that will enable you to compare results between visits and build an accurate picture of how your vacuum pumps are performing, in the most cost effective way.

Why choose HealthCheck PROᵀᴹ ?

Early Detection

You can identify deviations in vacuum pump conditions early on using vibration measurement. This allows for timely intervention before problems escalate.

Preventing Unplanned Failures

HealthCheck PROᵀᴹ  helps you avoid unexpected pump failures. By monitoring physical signs of leaks, damage, and assessing components like belts, filters, and oil, you can take necessary actions to keep your pumps running efficiently.


The service provides a cost-effective way to understand your pumps condition. It allows you to focus on potential issues before they occur, minimizing expenses related to unplanned downtime.

Performance Optimization

Regular HealthCheck PROᵀᴹ reports enable you to compare results between visits. This helps build an accurate picture of how your vacuum pumps are performing, allowing you to optimize their operation.

Early Detection
Preventing Unplanned Failures
Performance Optimization

You can identify deviations in vacuum pump conditions early on using vibration measurement. This allows for timely intervention before problems escalate.

Are you running your vacuum equipment in harsh environments?

Let us help you service your vacuum pump. Our repair facilities are available for full decontamination of vacuum pumps, following all safety procedures and protocols in-line with respective regulations.

Check out our other service pages

vacuum parts and kits, 971462630

Where to find and buy the spare parts and vacuum pump kit for my vacuum pump?

Vacuum pump repair kits of high quality, vacuum pump spare parts and oil filters for the different pump models and a wide range of applications

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