Charging_circuit board

Heat pipe production

Innovative vacuum pumps for heat pipe production

Heat pipes are thermal devices that work on a two-phase heat transfer. The pipe is filled with a liquid (commonly water) to transfer the heat from one side of the pipe to the other. They are typically used to transfer heat from a hot electronic component (e.g., a computer processor) to a cold area where the heat can be released. Heat pipes are used in various applications such as electronic products, fridges, air- conditioners, steam engines, boilers and more.

After partially charging the heat pipe with water, the residual volume is evacuated, ensuring that the subsequently sealed pipe is filled with only water and water vapor. Heat pipes use the principle of heat exchange accompanied by the phase transformation process to transfer heat rapidly. Heat pipes offer the highest thermal conductivity presently known.

Heat Pipe classification
Influencing factors for a stable product quality
Application Challenges for Vacuum Pumps
Water vapor handling:
Oil-sealed pump experience
Heat Pipe classification
Influencing factors for a stable product quality
Application Challenges for Vacuum Pumps
Water vapor handling:
Oil-sealed pump experience

VARODRY – Best vacuum solution for heat pipes

  • The VARODRY pump should be equipped with the optional “purge-gas” kit
  • Typically compressed, dry air is used as purge-gas
  • When opening the exhaust-side shaft seal purge, the purge gas air enters directly behind the rotor end
  • Due to the pulsating screw compression principle, the exhaust-side purge air is dragged backwards into the compression room, mixes with the pumped water vapor and works as a kind of “mini-gas-ballast”
  • At pressures <100 Pa, the small purge-gas air flow is sufficient for diluting the water vapor content below the water vapor pressure at exhaust temperature, thus preventing any condensation inside the VARODRY and its silencer.
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