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Vacuum measurement & control

Gauges, Residual Gas Analyzers, Pump Controllers

With vacuum systems and processes comes the need to measure vacuum performance.

Vacuum gauges are used to measure pressure within a wide range.

They measure from above atmospheric pressure (~ 2000 mbar (1500 Torr)) down to 10-12 mbar/torr. No single sensor technology is capable of measuring across this range.

A variety of different vacuum gauges are available, each with their own characteristics and ability to measure over multiple decades of vacuum.

In order to widen the measurement range, it is common to combine multiple technologies into a single gauge to reduce the connections needed in a system.  

A main way to differentiate vacuum gauge types is by how they measure the...

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Broad range vacuum gauging

Broad range vacuum gauging

Robust, reliable, and accurate pressure measurement

  • THERMOVAC TTR/TR series - perfect for monitoring standard primary/backing pump pressures. 
  • PENNINGVAC PTR/PR series – enabling measurement in the high vacuum region, these can be described as full range gauges.
  • IONIVAC ITR/IE series – further extending the vacuum range into ultra high vacuum pressures.
Portable & mechanical vacuum gauging

Portable and mechanical vacuum gauging

Having a gauge that has an integrated display and is battery powered enables you to measure wherever and whenever. 

Mechanical dial gauges are ideal when you just need an indication that you are pulling vacuum, rather than precise measurements.

Precision vacuum gauging

Precision vacuum gauging

For the highest levels of accuracy and repeatability, in the harshest environments, these are perfect for detailed system control.

  • CERAVAC CTR vacuum gauges - top of the range of capacitance manometer gauges.
  • DI/DU vacuum gauges - a slightly lower level of accuracy, but suitable for dirty/damp/dusty environments.
Residual Gas Analysers

Residual Gas Analyzers

Our LEYSPEC residual gas analyser (RGA) product family enables simple and intuitive operation.

We offer both an all-in-one device as well as a mobile residual analyzer system

Vacuum gauges & pump controllers

Vacuum gauges & pump controllers

Gives you the ability to display pressure, and integrate its measurement into a wider control system. 

We have a range of controllers to choose from depanding on your specific requirements.



  • Connection cables: for adequate connections to your vacuum measurement system. 
  • Gauges calibration: we offer an impartial calibration service for gauges and sensors of any make. 
  • Gauge protection: in particularly harsh processes, it can be advisable to instal protection features to extend the gauge life spans. 
Broad range vacuum gauging
Portable & mechanical vacuum gauging
Precision vacuum gauging
Residual Gas Analysers
Vacuum gauges & pump controllers

Broad range vacuum gauging

Robust, reliable, and accurate pressure measurement

  • THERMOVAC TTR/TR series - perfect for monitoring standard primary/backing pump pressures. 
  • PENNINGVAC PTR/PR series – enabling measurement in the high vacuum region, these can be described as full range gauges.
  • IONIVAC ITR/IE series – further extending the vacuum range into ultra high vacuum pressures.