- Leybold Launches Two Vacuum Calculation and Simulation Tools
- Production of lithium-ion batteries
- Intelligent technology for modern analytics
- Hygienic Enclosures for vacuum pumps ensure highest hygiene standards
- Stay home Save lives
- Utilizing the void
- Two new turbomolecular pump sizes from Leybold for R&D and industrial applications
- Leybold shows its innovative portfolio at this years ANALYTICA VIRTUAL
- New vacuum pump ECODRY 25 and 35 plus - compact ergonomic energy-efficient
- Leybold offers a dry claw pump CLAWVAC for robust rough vacuum applications
- The new VARODRY HD-O2 version
- Leybold supports manufacturers in the development of battery technologies
- New robust turbomolecular pumps for industrial coating and research applications
- Leybold offers online sound checks for vacuum pumps
- Leybold releases a series of robust and compact filament pirani gauges the THERMOVAC TTR-RN series
- Leybold presents dry screw vacuum pumps DRYVAC DV 500 and DV 800
- Free Online-Seminar LEYCALC - Vacuum calculation made easy - German Presentation
- Leybold 推出適用於研發實驗室與工業應用的小型高真空系統
- Solar Challenge Morocco
- Intelligent technology for modern analytics
- Leybold designs new TURBOVAC iR model series
- Leybold 推出全新 SCROLLVAC 3S plus 和 SCROLLVAC 3 plus 渦卷式幫浦,與現有且種類豐富的真空產品相輔相成,滿足乾淨的乾式抽氣解決方案需求
- Leybold 推出一系列種類齊全的堅固可靠冷陰極真空計
- 免費報名 Leybold 線上新產品研討會
- Leybold 低溫產品陣容持續擴展
- 免費報名線上真空技術基礎研討會
- 隆重介紹我們的 TURBOLAB Core 系列真空站,替業界和科學領域引進新成員
- 免費報名 Leybold 水封幫浦之節能替代方案線上研討會
- 免費報名 Leybold 全系列真空幫浦介紹線上研討會
- Leybold 全系列真空幫浦介紹線上研討會影片觀看
- TURBOLAB Core 高真空幫浦系列限時優惠五折起,趕快賺起來!
- 測漏原理及測漏儀簡介線上研討會影片觀看
- 墨西哥真空產品經銷商 MEISA 加入 Leybold 北美客戶中心成為生力軍
- 【 線上研討會】真空幫浦於鋰電池生產之應用介紹影片觀看
- 【 線上研討會】真空幫浦於鋰電池生產之應用介紹
- CLAWVAC CP B - 全新爪式真空幫浦
- Leybold 為永續啤酒裝瓶程序開發真空解決方案
- 【 線上研討會】真空幫浦於塑膠擠出之應用介紹
- DURADRY - a dry screw vacuum pump for harsh industrial processes
- 萊寶全新工業用真空幫浦介紹線上研討會影片觀看
- Leybold 175 週年慶 - TRIVAC 系列限定優惠活動
- New TURBOVAC MAG iS models from Leybold for industrial and research applications
- 基礎真空技術與理論說明線上研討會影片觀看