Pump repair

Maintenance and ServicePlan™

When the success of your business is directly linked to production uptime and pump availability, increasing system efficiency and reliability will directly impact your company’s profitability. Performance and uptime, our range of service agreements is designed to ensure a low total cost of ownership of your pumps.

From reducing your administrative efforts and ensuring timely deliveries of the  parts you need, when you need them, to fully covering your pump preventive and repair costs, we offer you a customized solution that let you focus fully on your production. 

Our care plans also allow you to lock in today’s prices for future maintenance needs. Your maintenances can now be planned to better suit your needs and production schedule.

Which care plan fits you?

Extended Warranty Care

Extended Warranty Care is designed to keep your new pump running at high performance for many years to come. You will benefit from bumper-to-bumper coverage needed to protect your investment and maximize pump availability with all the needed preventive services.

Preventive Care

With Preventive Care you will have a maintenance schedule that fits your specific needs, driving higher pump uptime. Our service experts will also provide you suggestions on how to improve your system on a routine basis driving cost efficiency, reliability and longer lifetime.

Parts Care

With Parts Care, you will receive all the parts you need when you need them, at a predetermined fixed cost for many years to come. Parts Care will help you plan your maintenance schedule, making sure it happens on time, reducing administration hassle and minimizing the risks of a costly breakdown.

Comprehensive care

With Comprehensive Care, all your maintenance and repair needs are taken care of. You will have no additional hassle generating purchase orders for adhoc interventions. Our technicians will also immediately conduct any recommended maintenance or repairs needed to prevent future major failures. Most importantly, Comprehensive Care safeguards your production process by delivering high levels of uptime to your pumps.

Health Check Care

Our Health Check Care agreement helps you identify any potential issues with your system prior to an expensive breakdown. Your pumps will receive regular monitoring and checks carried out by our service experts. Our specialists provide optimal care for your pumps while identifying upcoming needs.

Benefits of the maintenance and service agreements

Protect your investment

Extendable up to 5 years, our factory warranty not only protects your new investment against unforeseen events but also covers all the preventive maintenance on your pump and as well as any repairs that might be required.

Reliability and productivity

All service actions are executed according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, using genuine parts and oils to guarantee the performance levels. This prevents production breakdowns and ensures high vacuum productivity and profitability. You can concentrate fully on what you care about the most: your production.

Uptime and reliability

Getting your kits on time for your maintenance will alert your service team to the fact that they need to perform the service. In this way there is no risk of a service delay, which would undermine your vacuum installation’s uptime and reliability. Spare parts, kits, and oils will be delivered automatically according to the service schedule.

Easy to use

Our service kits are assembled to meet the regular maintenance needs of Leybold vacuum pumps according to the maintenance recommendations. Leybold genuine parts achieve 100% form, fit, and function, ensuring the integrity and efficiency of your vacuum pumps.

Highest efficiency

We produce our genuine spare parts, kits, and oils with the aim of providing quality, to ensure efficient operation and to let your production run smoothly. Leybold spare parts, kits, and oils have been tested to ensure high performance levels, a longer lifetime, and to prevent secondary damage.

Optimized administration costs

By choosing our Parts Care agreement, Leybold will take over the responsibility of sending you the necessary spare parts according to scheduled maintenance needs, determined by our experts. No more time and resources spent on procurement processes for separate spare parts orders.

Additional benefits of the maintenance and service agreements

Full coverage

Choosing our Comprehensive Care agreement, Leybold will take over maintenance planning and responsibility for servicing your vacuum equipment on a regular basis. You will know the total yearly maintenance costs in advance, since troubleshooting and breakdown repairs are also included.

Cost-effective approach

Regular maintenance of your installation keeps your costs down, as it prevents production downtime and expensive secondary damage. Additionally, Preventive Care is provided at a fixed price agreed in advance, allowing you to plan your yearly maintenance budget more efficiently.

Peace of mind

Choosing our Preventive Care agreement, Leybold will take over maintenance planning and responsibility for servicing your vacuum pumps on a regular basis. It lifts the burden of having to follow up on pump service requirements along with ordering each service visit individually.

Longer lifetime for your vacuum pumps

Regular maintenance conducted by our service experts with genuine spare parts extends your vacuum equipment’s life. Our technicians will replace worn parts to prevent problems from getting worse. This ensures that your vacuum pumps will last longer and will run constantly.

Low total cost of ownership

Since regular maintenance keeps unexpected expenses to a minimum, our Extended Warranty Care ensures you enjoy the low total cost of ownership for your vacuum pumps. Plus, every year you know exactly what servicing your new vacuum pump is going to cost you.

Top vacuum performance

Our professional service engineers have years of experience in vacuum pumps. Combined with original Leybold parts and oil, their expertise ensures your pump will keep providing high vacuum performance long into the future.

Vacuum pump reliability

As a manufacturer, your vacuum supply is the key to your business. But you have more important things on your mind than servicing pumps. That is why it is a good idea to let us take care of your new vacuum pump from day one.

vacuum parts and kits, 971462630

Où trouver et acheter les pièces détachées et les kits pour pompes à vide ?

Kits de réparation de pompe à vide de haute qualité, pièces détachées pour pompes à vide et filtres à huile pour les différents modèles de pompes ainsi que pour une large gamme d'applications

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Fixed Price leaflet

PDF    687 kB

Advanced services brochure

PDF    669.8 kB

Leybonol Overview Leaflet

PDF    4 MB

Health Check Care leaflet_FR

PDF    382.7 kB

Comprehensive Care leaflet_FR

PDF    1.2 MB

Preventive Care leaflet

PDF    426.4 kB

Parts Care leaflet

PDF    321 kB

Leybold Extended warranty_FR

PDF    330.6 kB

Which oil is compatible with my vacuum pump?

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