View of the dust, paper debris, and trimming collection system for a printing press in a book making factory. Conveyors and other end of line equipment are also visible.

Vacuum Conveying Leybold vacuum solutions for quick and efficient product and material conveying

Vacuum solutions for vacuum conveying

In many industries (like food or plastic for instance), vacuum conveying presents an efficient method to transport products over long distances. Products are literally sucked into the pipework thanks to pressure difference existing between is both sides that create a driving force. Lifting a product on several meters of elevation is possible too.

At the end of the pipework, products are stopped by means of a separator collector which also prevents products continuing further towards the vacuum pumps. Vacuum conveying dramatically reduces manpower needed, and it also frees up space in the production area as no trolleys, bins or other carrying equipment are required. In residential building, vacuum conveying can be used to collect waste from different apartments, aiding in hygiene standards. 

Due to the relatively high working pressure (often > 200 mbar) and the potential risk of product carry over, our claw pumps CLAWVAC and their related systems CPi are particularly suited for this application but our range of oil sealed rotary vane pumps SOGEVAC is also offer a competitive solution. 

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