Sterilizing medical instruments

Vacuum Solution for sterilization processes

Sterilization processes

Medical sterilization processes are commonly used in hospitals and other healthcare facilities to prevent the spread of infections and diseases. They are essential for ensuring the safety and cleanliness of medical instruments and equipment.

Some of these processes are using vacuum for the following reasons:

  • By removing air from the sterilization chamber, vacuum allows a good distribution of the sterilizing agent which improves elimination of bacteria, viruses and other harmful microorganisms that may be present on the surfaces of medical instruments.
  • At the end of the sterilization cycle, remaining moisture must be reduced to the lowest possible level in order not to forms a perfect environment for bacteria and pathogens to develop. The use of vacuum supports the evaporation process and is also therefore a very efficient way to ensure that the treated products are perfectly dried.

There are two main sterilization processes useing vacuum:

  • Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) sterilization: This method, also knowed as “cold sterilization”, is one of the various chemical sterilization processes existing and is sometime combined with a plasma step. It has been developed for temperature-sensitive products (for example, plastic made tools and equipment such as endoscopes) which would be damaged by the heat of steam sterilization). For this process, our TRIVAC range of double-stage, oil-sealed rotary vane pumps has been used for decades. Thanks to its extreme durability and reliability, it's currently recognized by industry-leading sterilization OEMs as the benchmark for this application. Additionally, our newest NEO D double stage rotary vane pumps, with their innovative integrated exhaust filters and oil recovery capabilities, make it a compelling and cost-effective solution in the design of new sterilization equipment.

  • Steam sterilization: This process is intended to be used on non-temperature-sensitive products such as stainless-steel surgical tools. Thanks to their tolerance for high volumes of vapor, and despite their poor energy efficiency, liquid ring vacuum pumps have been the long-standing go-to solution there. However, recently developed air cooled dry screw pumps (such as the VARODRY) offer a great alternative as they also have a high tolerance for water vapor. While water consumption is becoming a concern for liquid ring pumps, VARODRY literally needs no water which improves environmental footprint. Additionally, its ultimate pressure is much lower than a liquid ring pump, which has a positive impact on the drying cycle and overall quality of the sterilization process.
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