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How are helium leak detectors used for industrial tests

Industrial leak testing: when the leak detection equipment is integrated into the manufacturing line

Industrial leak testing using helium as the test gas is characterized above all by the fact that the leak detection equipment can be fully integrated into the manufacturing line. The design and construction of such test units will naturally take into account the task to be carried out in each case (e.g. leak testing of car rims for tubeless tires and fuel tanks or leak testing of components for refrigeration and air conditioning technology or leak testing of metal drums), where mass-produced, standardized component modules will be used wherever possible.

The parts to be examined are fed to the leak testing system (envelope test with rigid envelope), where the leak test is carried out, by way of a conveyor system. Parts which have a leak can be detected and sorted out very quickly.

Since costs always play an important role in case of industrial leak testing, the helium consumption must be kept as low as possible. This is achieved e.g. by using a mixture of helium and air as test gas instead of 100 % helium.

The helium concentration c(He) is determined by the partial helium pressure p(He) (= pressure of the helium in the mixture) in relation to the total pressure p (= pressure of the helium/air gas mixture):

c(He) = p(He) / p = p(He) / [ p(He) + p(air) ]

The leak rate qL, display is proportional to c(He) and proportional to the "true leak rate" qL which would be measured at c(He) = 1.

Therefore, the following applies:

qL, display = c(He) · qL

Regarding this method for the reduction of helium consume, however, it is always important to check whether the "reduced leak rate" c(He) · qL is still within the permissible operating range of the leak detector and whether it may therefore be displayed correctly.

What are the advantages of industrial leak testing using helium as a test gas?

The advantages may be summarized as follows: 

  • The detectable leak rates are significantly lower than the leak rates which must be detected in practice.
  • The integral leak test also allows for detection of microscopic and sponge-like distributed leaks.
  • Testing procedure and testing sequence can be automated. 
  • The cyclical, automatic test system check ensures great testing reliability.
  • Helium is non-toxic and non-hazardous.
  • The quantitative result of the test can be documented quickly and easily along with all process parameters.

The industrial leak test using helium as test gas results in a significant time advantage (cycle times of only a few seconds) and a significant increase in test reliability. Therefore, traditional industrial test methods such as "water bath" and "soap bubble test" have already been largely abandoned.



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